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Показано дописи з лютий, 2017

The city of cloud Chefchaouen

Shefshauen - a small town that lies on the reef skolnah mountains in northwest Morocco. It was founded in 1471, and by 1920 it visited only 3 stranger. Now the city is known primarily for its old part, almost all the houses which are painted in different shades of blue. The reason for this choice - religion. Besides Muslims, Shefshauen long been the residence of a fairly large Sephardic Jewish community. They brought with them the belief according to which blue - the color brushes prayer shawl, Talita.  But there is a city and the "dark" side - is considered "narkotsentr" Morocco.   http://gazeta.ua/articles/travels/_30-najkrasivishih-misc-planeti-de-vi-ne-zustrinete-turistiv/554473
Lake Þingvallavatn, Iceland The lake is part of the National Park Tinhvellir. The islands on the lake are of volcanic origin. Faults around the lake indicate that at this point the tectonic plates of Europe and America are opposed to each other.Lucky-divers can swim between tectonic plates over the world every year removed from each other by 2 centimeters                              All information is taken from here